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Info for New Parents

Ten Things Parents of Athletes Should Know


1. It’s not about you, its about them.  Do not live your own sports dreams through your kids. It’s their turn now. Let them make their own choices, both good and bad.

2. Never talk to a coach about your child’s play time after a game. Actually you never should. You should have your kid do that. That said, if you just can’t help yourself, send an email the next day and ask for some phone time.

3. NEVER yell at referees. They are trying. How would you like it if someone came to your job and screamed at you? Not. So. Much. If you have a real issue file a grievance the next day.

4. Do NOT coach your kid from the sideline. Your job is to be a cheerleader, not a coach. If you wanted to coach, you should have volunteered.

5. It is EXTREMELY UNLIKELY you are raising a professional athlete. I promise you. Relax, let them have a good time and learn the lessons they are supposed to be learning in sports.

6. Kids should play the sport that is in season until they are in middle school. Then they can decide which one or two sports they want to play and become more focused. Cross training prevents injuries and burnout.

7. If you have nothing nice to say, sit down and be quiet. Don’t be “that” parent.

8. If you are losing your mind on the sideline of game, it’s time to look in the mirror and figure out why. It’s not normal to care that much about sports. Put that energy into something more productive.

9. Let them fail. Forgotten equipment, not working out, not practicing at home? Let them suffer the consequences of that. It will make them better.

10. Your kids are watching you. Make them proud not embarrassed.

Registration Process FAQs

What is online registration?

Online registration allows players to register directly with North Stars Youth Hockey Association though an internet connection at


Why online registration?

To provide the opportunity for payment plans, to reduce the workload of local program administrators-time & money saver, and save everyone time spent waiting in line. Online registration also causes fewer registration errors, reduces paperwork, and will allow NSYHA to establish the number of teams and the number of players a lot more efficiently.


When will online registration be available?

Online registration for is available in August.


Who should register online?

All players planning to participate in NSYHA programs during the 2021/2022 season MUST register online.


What credit cards can be used?

Online registration will accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover Cards. Credit or debit cards can be used.


What if I don't have a credit/debit card?

If a person doesn't have a credit/debit card, the person can submit payment in form or cash or check.


What if I lose my USA Hockey confirmation page?

The confirmation page is available to print at the time of registration. It is also emailed to the registrant so that it can be saved on their hard drive. If the form is lost, a duplicate can be requested by logging onto and accessing the online registration page.


Do I have to pay a fee above and beyond my registration fee when I register?

You will have a fee to be paid when registering for USA Hockey online which is one step with online registration.  The other fee to be collected is a volunteer fee of $200.00 that is refunded/shredded if you fulfill your volunteer hours.


How do I go about applying for a need based scholarship to play youth hockey?

If you would like to apply for financial assistance to have your son or daughter play youth hockey, you may contact the North Stars Youth Hockey Board to see if they can help.


Can I use the same user name and password as I used last year?

Your user name and password will be the same as last year.


Can I add more than one email address to my account? Can we get the emails both at work and at home? Can my child's father/mother get an email at the same time that an email is sent to our home email address?

Yes, you can. You can add email addresses to your account if that is something that you want to do. To do this, access your online account and add the email address that you want to include.


What if I am not sure what age group my son or daughter will play at?

Register your child according to his or her birthday.


Do I complete my USA Hockey registration first, or my NSYHA registration first?

You need to do your USA Hockey registration first, and then you do your NSYHA registration after that.  There is a link on the registration tab.


Does everyone need to register with USA Hockey?

Yes, every player that plans to participate with NSYHA for the 2021-2022 season will need to register with USA Hockey before completing your NSYHA online registration.


Frequently Asked Questions for the NSYH Program

1.  How will I know what level my child will be in each year?

          All levels are determined by Date of Birth (see below for 2022-23)         

2022-2023 AGE CHART

June 1, 2007

May 31, 2009


June 1, 2009

May 31, 2011


June 1, 2011

May 31, 2013


June 1, 2013

May 31, 2015


June 1, 2015

 or later



2.  How long is the Hockey Season?

The season starts in November with optional hockey camp in October and runs through the middle of March.

3.  Can I go on the ice with my player?

During Regular team practices, only Registered USA Hockey Coaches are allowed on the ice.

4.  Who do I talk to about equipment related issues?

Start with the Coach, who will try to help you.  If they cannot they will get you in contact with the correct person.

5.  Does my player need to wear a mouth guard?

Yes.  Mouth guards protect the teeth but are also protect against concussions during a hard fall or accidental collision.

In additional to safety, getting skaters used to wearing mouth guards when they are young is good practice. Players can be assessed penalties for not wearing a mouth guard in games.

6.  Where can I find the arena schedule?

The arena schedule is on the website. Practices and games will vary. Be sure to view often!!!  There are times when the ice time needs to be changed due to an unforeseen reason. At that time an email/text will go out to the levels that are impacted by the change and the website calendar page will be updated.

7.  When does the arena schedule come out for the  next month?

The arena schedule typically gets set up by the   month or longer.It will be posted on the website and each NSYHA practice/ scrimmage/ or games are on the calendar page on the website linked to the teams or levels. You can sync your phone calendars to the schedules for your kid(s) teams or levels as well by using the Sport Engine app.

8.  Where can I get my child(s) skates sharpened?

         The rink employees can sharpen skates  when   they are available. Skates can also be brought to Hills Inc in Grafton to be sharpened.

9.  Why are there different flooring around the arena?

There are different types of flooring around the arena: concrete, wood, and black/maroon rubber. When your child is walking around the arena in their skates, please help them to remember to ONLY walk on the  rubber areas. Walking on the white tile or concrete floors will dull or ruin skate blades.

10.  How do I find out information during the season?

All communications for the association are sent out via email by, or by text from team managers/coaches for specific level information.  Team managers are chosen by coaches. Our website, also has a lot of information for the association to check it often.

11.  Who do I contact if I have questions?

You can always contact a board member if you have questions and they can direct your question to the proper person if needed. All board members are listed on our website with contact information as well.

12.  What are the volunteering expectations?

There are many opportunities for volunteering in the association through coaching, team managing, being on a committee, helping with events, etc.  Our association uses the DIBs volunteer platform in which members will claim the jobs they wish to partake in.  Each family has a requirement of 12 volunteer hours for a single player and 24 volunteer hours for 2+ players a season or a $500.00 volunteer fee will be forfeited.  Emails periodically are sent out asking for volunteers, please help when you are able.  Without parent volunteers, NSYHA would not be able to be as successful. 2 Shifts of the volunteer hours are expected in concessions.  Times vary depending on events at the arena. More info is available on the concessions tab on the website.  ND Dept. of Health regulations require any worker to be 14 years of age to work with a parent.  Please remember if you cannot work your shift, you must find a replacement.

18.  How do I take care of my jersey?

NSYHA provides jerseys for all levels.  These jerseys are not meant to be worn for everyday use.  Please wash all jerseys in cold water and allow to air dry. If jerseys are too big, they can be tacked with a removable stitch. DO NOT cut off any part of the jersey when tacking, you may only fold. Players will not be issued jerseys until fees are paid or arrangements made.

19.  If my child loses something, where do I look?

Contact rink personnel or lost and found baskets.

20.  When can I drop off my child for practices?

Generally, locker rooms for the Squirts/10U through Bantams are available approx. an hour before practice. Coaches will determine once the season has started.

21.  Is there a dryland area for kids to practice when they are not on the ice?

CC has a Hockey Training Room above the varsity locker rooms which can be utilized by NSYHA members only. This room is for shooting pucks and stick handling only.  An adult must be present at all times and NO FOOD OR DRINK is allowed.


If you have any other questions or concerns, please contact a board member and they will try to assist you with answers or help with any issues.


Thank you

North Stars Youth Hockey Association

DIBs Volunteer Platform

Claim a Dib Item from the Website (Parents)
(all parents are required to fulfill 12 volunteer credits - 2 shifts in concessions required)
By claiming a Dib Item, you are agreeing to volunteer for that shift.
Step 1: Navigate to the Dibs page of the organization website
Step 2: Click on a Dib Session (2022/2023 Season Volunteer Items)
Step 3: Click on a Dib Item
Step 4:
Click Claim This Dib Item
Step 5:
 Enter the volunteer name, contact phone, and contact email address
Step 6: Click Claim this Dib Item

Email reminder will be sent out - limited cancellation period - more info will be available at parents' meetings