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Frequently Asked Questions


How many games will we play?    

TBD by the North Dakota Amateur Hockey Association (NDAHA) based on the State Tournament Handbook

  "With all state tournaments you will not know all of the teams involved, or how they will be seeded until 7-14 days prior to the start of the tournament.  The state tournament committee will send you the seeding for your tournament when it is determined."

What is a gate fee?    

Gate fees are determined by the NDAHA as follows:

Tournament pass: 
Family $ 30.00 
Adult $ 20.00 
Student $ 10.00 
Daily Pass: 
Family $ 20.00 
Adult $15.00 
Student $ 5.00


Where can I get skates sharpened?   

Centennial Center (rink)
Hills Inc (limited hours)

What do we need for team check-in?    

The following information must be provided by all teams: 
Online link for teams roster page. 

Roster stickers for game books. (4 per game x 3 = 12)

When do you need our roster and where do we send it?    

We will the following need in order to get the program to press on time:
(can be sent at anytime to

  • team photo

  • coaches names

  • your team name

  • team colors

  • logo

  • contact information for your team (i.e. team managers)

When will we get the schedule for the tournament and other information about the weekend?    

We will make every effort to have the schedule available on-line as soon as possible, but for sure 2 weeks prior to the tournament.  The contact person listed on the registration will be e-mailed information about the weekend, so make sure this address is correct!  It can then be forwarded to the team.  You can also continue to check the website!