Is there a minimum age to start officiating?
USA Hockey has no minimum or maximum ages for officials. It is highly recommended that officials not work games of their own age classification or higher, regardless of level attained. Generally, officials can successfully officiate as young as age ten years-old. However, some local areas do have minimum age requirements due to their State’s specific Child Labor Laws. In this instance, you will need to contact the Local Supervisor of Officials for location-specific information.
Where can I get a Rulebook?
All new officials will receive a copy of the USA Hockey Playing Rules & Casebook in the mail within a few days of their processed registration. Since the USA Hockey Rulebook is a two-year rulebook all returning officials will receive a copy of the Playing Rules & Casebook every two years (after each rule change process). The Playing Rules and Casebook is also available online at the Publications page at the USA Hockey Officials website. It is strongly recommended that all officials wait to receive their rulebook before completing their Open Book Exam.
What should I bring to the seminar?
For the Classroom Session, all officials should bring a pen, notebook, USA Hockey Rulebook, and pencil (for the Closed Book Exam). While at the seminar, make sure you record the contact information for your Local Supervisor of Officials and Local Assignor for future reference after you complete your registration and are ready to work games.
For the On-Ice Session, all returning officials must wear their full officiating gear. New officials are expected to bring skates, a hockey helmet, and some form of whistle. We do not require full equipment for new officials.
Since most seminars last an entire day, officials may want to pack a lunch unless other arrangements are made.
Now that I have my Card and Crest and I am eligible to officiate, how do I get games?
First, you should be aware that simply completing registration with USA Hockey is not a guarantee of game assignments. Although we highly encourage all of our Local Supervisors and Local Assignors to involve every eligible official in the assignment process, it is still up to the individual official to solicit game assignments.
Contact your Local Supervisor of Officials or Local Assignor and let them know you are now eligible to work games and when you are available. If possible, identify a more experienced official in your local area to serve as a mentor and who can also help you get games. Once you get that first assignment, go out and give 100% to do your best and the rest will take care of itself.
Does USA Hockey have any assignment guidelines? What levels of games is each respective level of official eligible to work?
Yes, USA Hockey has established some assignment guidelines. But they are just that – guidelines. There may always be some unusual circumstances or emergency situations where it may be impossible to follow the specific guidelines. In this instance, the game(s) should be played as long as there are capable and completely registered officials available to work.
USA Hockey strongly recommends that our younger officials only work age classifications that are at least one age group younger than what they would currently be playing at. The remainder of the assignment guidelines are as follows: