Fargo Davies swiped 3 points in the EDC over the weekend from the Spoilers. Cole Rehovsky got the game's first goal, sniping home a beauty to put the Spoilers up 1-0.
However, Davies answered back 5 seconds later to tie the game, catching the Spoilers flat footed. It was an eerily similar play to how Davies scored earlier in the season on Fargo North.
The rest of the game belonged to Davies, as they scored the all important go-ahead goal with under 2 minutes remaining in the first period. (A HUGE violation of the "keys to winning.")
Davies would add a second goal in the second period to push the lead to 3-1. The Spoilers had many chances, but were shut down by All State Goalie to be Tucker Windels.
Spoilers will have learned some lessons over the next few weeks in that you cannot make 3 big mistakes and expect to beat an EDC team. They now have nothing but practice before taking off to Warroad for the Holiday Tournament after Christmas.