Spoilers came out of the gates in the third period, having wasted 34 minutes, but by then, it was too late as the Fargo North Spartans outworked and outwilled the Spoilers in their home opener. FNH got on the board with a PP marker in the first on a bounce off the end wall to jump up 1-0.
They tacked on 2 more goals in the 2nd period for a 3-0 lead heading into the final period.
The Spoilers finally woke up and started moving their feet, as Jade Miller would find his way to the net for a goal and just 3 minutes later, Brett Longtin would score his first Varsity goal to cut the lead to 1.
However, the Spartans would be able to hold off the Spoilers and tack on an empty netter to finish with a HUGE 3 point victory on the road in EDC action.
Spoilers next action will be at the Fargo South/Shanley Bruins/Deacons on Saturday in Fargo at Scheels arena.